Buy 3-FPM Crystals Online


Buy 3-FPM Crystals Online

Analogs of anorectic drugs, phenmetrazine, and phendimetrazine, which were prescribed before being stopped, share traits with amphetamines that are associated with monoamine release. Based on the 3-FPM data currently available, there might be mechanistic similarities in the effects. In this work, 3-FPM is synthesized, thoroughly analyzed analytically, and separated from its ortho- and para-substituted synthetic isomers, 2-FPM and 4-FPM, respectively. Our inquiry was prompted by the purchase of five powdered samples sold as 3-FPM by five separate UK-based online retailers. Based on the vendor samples’ analytical data, which matched the synthesized 3-FPM standard, it was possible to differentiate between all three isomers.